Koppoh helps you to prepare all fundraising documents required by potential investors.
Founded in response to the wide funding gap in Africa, Koppoh connects businesses in need of capital with investors who are looking for the right investment opportunities. Asides from making documentation easy for fundraisers, we also help investors to save time and effort by identifying high - quality deals. Whether you are a fundraiser or financier, we are always keen to help.
Tell your story to sell your business idea in a way that only you can do, using our customisable template.
Use our tools, guides and examples to develop an impressive pitch document that will gain interest from investors.
Our dynamic and user-friendly platform, together with our favourable pricing will help you save time and money during fundraising.
About us
How it works
Privacy policy
Terms & Conditions
+234 (0) 706 063 9202
[email protected]
6B George Street, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
We are committed to protecting the privacy of the users of the Koppoh Website (Koppoh, the Platform or the Website). This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") constitutes a legal agreement between you, as the user of the Platform and Koppoh Digital Solutions Limited as the owner of the Platform.
Welcome to Koppoh Website (Koppoh, the Platform or the Website), owned and operated by Koppoh Digital Solutions Limited. Koppoh is a web-based service that enables you to prepare and manage your fundraising documentation online.
In order to set up or use a Koppoh account, you must:
Your use of Koppoh is governed by these Terms & Conditions. By using and/or establishing an account on Koppoh, you are agreeing to be bound by and to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein
These Terms and Conditions is a binding legal agreement between you and Koppoh Digital Solutions Limited. Please review these Terms and Conditions carefully. If you represent an organisation, your agreement to these Terms and Conditions shall bind your organisation and you hereby represent and warranty that you have the authority to act on behalf of your organisation
By signing up for a Koppoh account you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and you acknowledge that you have read and understood its content. Clicking on the button to create an account will have the same effect as signing a contract. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should not click on this button or use the Website